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Circular Economy Consulting


Seeking to innovate and transition your organisation to a circular economy business model?

Want to understand circular economy principles and how to apply them in your business?

Reasons to be circular? 

What is the case for re-thinking the product, packaging and business model?

Customers - rewarding brands that deliver solutions on e.g. plastics 

Opportunity - in finding new ways to effectively deliver products 

Regulatory - increasing pressure, getting ahead of the curve

Circular Economy Business Model

Design out waste and pollution.

Keep products and materials in use.

Regenerate natural systems.

Circular Economy
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The linear economy value chain model of: take raw materials, make, sell, consume and ultimately waste, on repeat - is increasingly unsustainable for the health of business, people and planet.

In a circular economy, value is created by focusing on value preservation.

Designing products for durability, disassembly and reuse, presents opportunities to create value through designing out waste and closing the loop on these raw materials.   

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The global economy is currently only 8.6% circular.

Where to start? How to navigate towards a circular business model?

The journey to a circular economy business model requires new systems thinking, products, partners and performance metrics.

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Re-comms can support sector specific circular economy strategy development and practical, actionable steps to support transition. 


Helping to define why change is required, what needs to change, how change can be enabled and selecting which metrics to measure performance. 


Get in touch to discuss how transitioning to a circular economy business model can benefit your business, brand, people and planet.

Discover how a circular economy model can benefit your business, brand, people and our planet.

Our 1:1 introductory consultation is free of charge to discuss your business challenges and opportunities.

Get in touch to start the conversation.

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